This is only the beginning.

Welcome to the journal that will chronicle, document, and share bits of my life b, one week at a time coming to you every Sunday. And thank you for coming here to join me. I currently stand at one of the biggest crossroads in my life. On the early morning of May 20th, 2013, I stood with my colleagues, who are both fellow students and wonderful friends, to turn the tassle across my graduation cap signifying the end of another educational journey ending with Bachelor degrees in Political Science and Dutch Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. Behind me in the stands stood Papa and Mama, my brothers Kaj and Ivar, my Spanish brother Jesus, and long time friends Nicole and Katie. The immensity of all of it came rolling down my cheeks in tears of joy. It has been a month since I stood in the Greek Theatre and I must say the true impact of my years at Berkeley will have on my life has not quite sunk in.

However, I cannot stay still and wait for that to happen to move on. Today, my newest road I will move down comes in the form of an San Francisco International Airport terminal to whisk me away to Dublin, Ireland. By the time I arrive again in San Francisco I will have spent valued time with family and friends across Europe and discovered a whole new world in India. You, my friend, can follow me in this journey of self-reflection and wordly discovery on this blog post. With time pictures and more will come with through this blog, and will do my upmost to deliver every Sunday. As for now, I say good bye America, I will see you soon!

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