Mind Shifts on Extended Trips

Street and bar names out of my head, even the size of my apartment astonished me upon return to the Hague, this forgetfulness is for me a testament to my mindful immersion throughout the five week trip. I had intended to write here a weekly story as I went along, but the constant movement and enjoyment of my brother Ivar and I as well as all those that met us on the trip removed me from the reflection I should have taken. Thankfully, the long hours across the United States in the faithful Toyota Yaris gave the two of us plenty of time to reflect together. To give a glimpse of our experiences, here is short bit intended as an early post back in early May:
Tonight is night six of the road trip across North America, with 27 more nights to follow before the flight back to the Netherlands. Now I’ve been on extended trips before, but I had forgotten the mind shift that takes place when moving away from your regular programmed schedule to one where the day’s decisions are made with hardly any planning. Until this point, we’ve figured out where our heads hit the $4 Target pillows purchased in Vacaville only an hour or two before we actually do so. The camping stove acquired a day prior to take off allows us to be independent of restaurants and cafes, keeping us in the evergreen forests of the Pacific Northwest.
Another note I wrote to myself early on in the trip stated: “It feels as if my mind will be in a completely different place by the time I’m on my airplane ride back to to the Netherlands.” Oh and right I was, becoming more self-aware of my actions upon myself and outwards, and taking in from the book At the Existentialist Cafe that we are doing before being or “Existence before Essence”. An obvious thought perhaps, but an idea of mindfulness nonetheless that recognizes that we are defined by our actions. One such action that has come over me is the gratitude that I have for life. When I woke up after a long rest Tuesday morning in the Hague, it bewildered my as to how lucky I was to have such a wonderful space to live along with best co-occupant I’ve encountered so far. I knew all of this prior to the trip as well, but at present I feel newly fulfilled, happy, weary but refreshed. Now I will work on internalizing the beauty of traveling while I’m at home to ensure it doesn’t become an escapist mechanism. This will be a true feat when I’ve accomplished it.
Thanks for reading my personal musings, I’ll come back with a detailed account of my trip later. I’m happy to hear your thoughts, and pick up the conversation again.